Fascinating Facts About February Babies

Any month that your baby is born in is bound to be special to you, but there’s something extra sweet and lovely about babies born in February. Even though February is the shortest month of the year, there’s no shortage of things to love about February babies.

Babies born in February may do better academically

Your mid-winter baby has an advantage over their buddy who's born in June or July. Studies have shown that older kids consistently perform better than their younger peers through their academic careers.

Your baby is more likely to be an artist

According to a study from the UK Office of National Statistics, the month in which you were born does play a (very small) role in what career path you end up taking, and artists seem to be born more during February. 

February birthdays are more uncommon

Not only is it a short month, which leads to fewer births, but every four years is a Leap Year, which means a rare birthday for some folks.

Babies born in February tend to be happier

Even though they’re born in the last of winter, according to a study from the Semmelweis University in Budapest, February babies are less likely to find themselves feeling irritable.

Your February baby will probably be taller

A Harvard University study of over 21,000 kids shows that winter babies are consistently born longer, heavier and with a larger head circumference. Scientists don’t have all the answers as to why this is but do know that seasonal issues like diet, exposure to sunlight and temperature play a role.

Your baby might only have a birthday every four years

A Leap Day baby only gets to celebrate the actual day every four years. Although you'll obviously celebrate on a different day, it can be fun to have a Leap Year baby.

Your baby shares a birthday month with lots of famous folks 

Plenty of celebrities share your kiddo’s celebratory month: Abe Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Taylor and more.

But your baby is also more likely to be born early

According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s a significant spike in early births during the winter.

Happy birthday!!!

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