We’re going through really tough times. It's important for us to keep our little ones' spirits high by keeping them engaged in various activities.
A little planning will help put things in a clearer perspective and this will in turn help keep kids engaged and restore their creative balance.
Here are some of the activities that our little one can do and we as a parent can help them set up these.
We can use this time to creatively motivate ourself and help our kids do the same.
Encourage A New Hobby
Learning Musical Instruments, Painting, Origami, Play Dough, Greetings Cards, Gardening, Acting & Dancing.
Do Activities Together
Solving Jigsaw Puzzles, Pictionary, Dumb Charades, Watching Movies, Stargazing on the Terrace, Bake Cookies & Cakes, Reading Board and Illustrated Books.
Teach them About Health and Fitness
Washing Hands Regularly, Importance of Staying Indoors, Indoor Sports such as Hula Hoops, Basketball & Yoga and Feed them Fruits, Vegetables & Fresh Juices.
Bond with them
Ask them about their day & their Online Classes, Let them openly speak to you, Set up video call playdates with their Grandparents, Cousins & Friends.
Create Awareness
Sanitize and Wash Hands Regularly, Wear Mask and Social Distancing.
Stay positive, productive and proactive. We will get through this together.